Friday, February 26, 2016

How to be a better digital citizen

 In order to be a better digital citizen, I learned that I should be polite and respectful towards other users. I also learned (from the presentations yesterday) that all of my passwords and information should be confidential. I shouldn't be sharing information that could end up with someone hacking/stalking me. Also, I shouldn't be using websites that could install viruses into my computer. And to even further ensure my computer's safety, I should install anti-virus software.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Online Footprints

 I don't really use social media, and even though YouTube is MA LIFE I don't comment or anything. I've just used Sephora (and you can ask and answer questions about products), but I'm not sure if that counts as a "social networking site". And no, I don't have anything online that shouldn't be, because I again, don't really use social media. :))))))))))))))      

Friday, February 5, 2016

The Saddest Day of My Life

The Saddest Day of my life was when I couldn't go to Sephora.... and I couldn't get the lip gloss that I planned on getting D:

Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Happiest Day of My Life

Of course there are so many happy days that I can't recall all of them at the moment. But one that I definitely can remember is during my winter retreat (or trip) last winter break. We were on our way home from a long day of volunteering way on the other side of LA, when "Hello" came on the radio and we cranked up the radio to the maximum volume and were all screaming at the top of our lungs (well a few others were telling us we're too loud). And as we were driving and singing (quite badly) into the night, I noticed we were passing by the LA skyscrapers. It just made me feel really blessed and happy, in that moment. Being with the people that make me happy, and in the city that I love. And I knew at that point, that I would never be able to have this moment back again. So I decided to just enjoy and cherish that moment, because that was a night that I was truly happy.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Agree or Disagree with Sugar Ban?

 I disagree, because just getting rid of the large size on sodas is so stupid. Like, I want to get rid of obesity too, but like getting rid of the largest size on sodas is going to help. They do realize that the people can just get two smaller sizes? So they're really not restricting the sugar consumption at all. They're just making New Yorkers angry and life less convenient. It defeats the purpose. If they really want to get rid of obesity, they should make an alternative to soda, or, if you physically want to take sugar away, then make REAL restrictions. And literally EVERYTHING has SUGAR!!! Ooh, you took away large sizes of soda, we're TOTALLY gonna be cured from obesity. People can just grab a big Mac with fries and a donut across the street, and that's gonna be way worse. I mean, come on.