Monday, June 6, 2016

My Favorite Memory of the School Year

 My favorite memory of this school year would have to be the whole time around fall/winter, because everything was just great in that time as a whole. (Maybe it's just because I'm obsessed with Christmas), but I think that that time period with fall/winter 2015 was the best. In school life, I was just starting to know my way around the everyday routine at school, and wasn't in any fights with friends. It doesn't seem too special, but it's definitely a time to remember for me. Just whenever I look back on that time in my life, I can't help but smile. I know for a fact that it probably wasn't school itself that contributed to my happiness, but it was still a part of my life. And the holiday "magic" in the air just affected school as well. That Christmas was just my favorite Christmas ever, and I'm sure this one will be even more amazing (they get better and better every year)! Well now I'm rambling about Christmas, but you get the idea. That time is something that I wouldn't trade for anything else in the world. :)

Thursday, April 7, 2016

TED Talks

 During this speech/presentation, Wael Ghonim talks about his opinions of the modern-day internet, and how we, as users can use it to our fullest potential. He addressed a few issues that he has with social media, and advice on how to solve these problems as well.

 In the presentation, Wael addressed five critical challenges that he believes is hurting social media. The challenges are: rumors, echo chambers, flame-wars, hard opinions, and shallow one-sided conversations. He believes that all of these problems effect social media in different ways. For example, he believes that rumors effect social media by getting people revved up about the rumor. then starting angry mobs (realizing they're not true). "Echo chambers" are also a challenge because they keep us from seeing other people's perspectives. By "echo chambers", he means the bubbles that we create around ourselves that allow us only to communicate with those who we already agree with, ultimately not being able to see other perspectives on the situation. Flame wars are also hurtful, because they start with calm discussions, then turn into angry, hateful "flame wars" between people. Then there's hard opinions, opinions that when are made, won't change for anything. These are also effective towards social media, because they prevent us from being more flexible and open-minded towards other's opinions. And lastly, there's shallow conversations. These are hurtful, because they make us to talk AT each other, and not WITH each other (conversations are one-sided).

 Then there are also the four suggestions that Ghonim advised us to follow. The four suggestions were that we need to: focus more on quality, find more solutions that involve the internet, to think about how to connect with others, and work on how to reach a big crowd. Focusing more on quality would give people incentives to engage in conversations, rather than bluntly blurting opinions. Working harder on finding out how the internet can help us, not hurt us, can help us to develop a more optimistic mindset, and solve more of our problems. Thinking about how to use our social media experiences to connect with others can promote communication with other users. And lastly, working on how to reach a big crowd of people efficiently can spread positivity and understanding with one another.

 So in conclusion, Wael Ghonim has helped all of us by recomending all of these things to us. Especially as an internet generation, we should all learn how to use the internet to its fullest potential, and to learn all we can to make the internet a more creative and respectful outlet. 

Thursday, March 31, 2016

My Holiday

If I could create any holiday, I would make National Makeup Day. A day where all the beauty enthusiasts out there can celebrate makeup and how much happiness it brings us. And correct all the people who doubted makeup, saying that it's "decieving".  MAKEUP IS NOT DECIEVING. WE PUT ON MAKEUP BECAUSE WE LOVE IT AND IT MAKES US FEEL CONFIDENT. SO EVERYONE WHO SHAMES MAKEUP SHOULD SHAME THEMSELVES BECAUSE WHY CAN'T WE BE HAPPY?!! Anyways, yeah so National Makeup Day would be for the people who love makeup and want to celebrate and play with makeup all day. :D And we would rent out Sephora for the day and kick out all of the people who pretend to know Sephora (when they don't). This holiday would be a "no school" holiday, because makeup is so sacred and we should all respect and honor it. AND WE WOULD SHOP ALL DAY, and we could do our own thing and all that. I just realized I've said the word "makeup" a million times.....okay thank you. 

When I Grow Up

When I grow up, I want to move to NYC and pursue beauty. I plan to be a makeup artist at one point, then work my way up to product development for Lancome and/or Dior. I want to be really involved with the beauty community, and expand my love for beauty. I plan to always live with my mom and retire her early, so she can spend the rest of her days partying and getting exclusive makeup. I want to have a husband (obviously) and one or two children. Subrina (since she's beautiful) will be my model who I'll put makeup on and help her pose for photoshoots. I will still always live with my dog Nana because she's immortal and will live forever. I want to travel the world being a makeup artist and enthusiast. 

Monday, March 28, 2016

What I Did Over Spring Break and My Goals

 Over spring break, I went to Kaanapali, Maui, Hawaii for a week. We stayed in a hotel called The Whaler in Whaler's Village. I snuba dived (a combo of scuba and snorkeling), snorkeled, went to the beach, and shopped a lot. :D There just happened to be a Sephora connected to my hotel. :)))  I went to Sephora and ate a lot of fish. It was really fun, but terrifying when a giant sea turtle literally swam RIGHT NEXT to me as I was putting on my flippers. Also, when my breathing tube got tangled with someone else's and I couldn't breathe for a little bit. -.- D: It was sunny in the area where my hotel was, but it rained A LOT on the East side of the island. It was tiring sometimes, because our tours usually left around 6 am, but it was still an amazing experience. As for goals for this quarter, I want to bring my grades up to before, and get my DPs done on time. I also plan to read as many books as I can and finish study island before the due dates. I want to perform well on the future tests (midterms, finals, etc.) and take school a little more seriously. I tend to sometimes postpone schoolwork, but I want to get it done beforehand so I can relax more. I want to rely on my phone less, and lead a more healthy life.


Friday, March 11, 2016


So apparently, I'm one with nature. I'm:

 88%  Extraverted
 71%   Intuitive
 72%  Feeling
 52%  Prospecting
 66 %  Turbulent
 I also apparently am curious, energetic, a great communicator, I know how to relax, and I'm very popular *blush emoji*
However, I also tend to overthink things, have difficulty focusing, poor practical skills, get stressed easily, am highly emotional, and independent to a fault.
 But in romantic relationships, I'm "irresistibly charming" and "simply alluring" *smirk smirk*
As a parent, I'm going to want structure in my home, but will not establish these restrictions. I'll let me child's imagination go free, and will not only be their parent, but their friend. :)

Friday, February 26, 2016

How to be a better digital citizen

 In order to be a better digital citizen, I learned that I should be polite and respectful towards other users. I also learned (from the presentations yesterday) that all of my passwords and information should be confidential. I shouldn't be sharing information that could end up with someone hacking/stalking me. Also, I shouldn't be using websites that could install viruses into my computer. And to even further ensure my computer's safety, I should install anti-virus software.