Thursday, March 31, 2016

My Holiday

If I could create any holiday, I would make National Makeup Day. A day where all the beauty enthusiasts out there can celebrate makeup and how much happiness it brings us. And correct all the people who doubted makeup, saying that it's "decieving".  MAKEUP IS NOT DECIEVING. WE PUT ON MAKEUP BECAUSE WE LOVE IT AND IT MAKES US FEEL CONFIDENT. SO EVERYONE WHO SHAMES MAKEUP SHOULD SHAME THEMSELVES BECAUSE WHY CAN'T WE BE HAPPY?!! Anyways, yeah so National Makeup Day would be for the people who love makeup and want to celebrate and play with makeup all day. :D And we would rent out Sephora for the day and kick out all of the people who pretend to know Sephora (when they don't). This holiday would be a "no school" holiday, because makeup is so sacred and we should all respect and honor it. AND WE WOULD SHOP ALL DAY, and we could do our own thing and all that. I just realized I've said the word "makeup" a million times.....okay thank you. 

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